Saturday, June 29, 2013


WARNING: this post is pretty sappy. and so am I.

Today at 10:00 am EST 
marked the sixth year anniversary of a special day.
My whole family knew what I didn't.

I remember sitting on the couch,
waiting on my sister to get ready.
She had asked me to go to the mall with her,
so I just threw on the ol' reliable
t-shirt + skirt
combo and started watching The Ellen Show.
My sister asked me, "Are you wearing that?!"
Umm...yea, I am not trying to impress anyone,
it's Eastgate.

Then the doorbell rang.
At the door is a boy,
(He was only 21, feels like forever ago)
my favorite boy,
 holding deep red roses.
He surprised me again!
( I thought he was in Illinois)
I invite him in,
simply thrilled he is at my house,
totally unaware of what was next!

Between being mauled by my parent's fourth child,
Keeper, an Australian Shepherd,
Ellen yelling some funny quips, 
and Ashlyn poking her head around the corner,
he asks to step back outside,

I don't remember any of what was said next,
I just started to feel so giddy.
I remember the perfect ring sparkled in its box,
I remember how his face looked,
I remember how we both were shaking,
and then I said,
(NOT what I had planned on saying. I may have practiced after our first date, yep, SAP)

pictures the next day (note:I was dressed better)
That day rocked!
 I hope to always remember it! 
And I get to, whenever I glance at my left hand,
adorned with that same glittering ring.


Both my sister and brother will be getting married this year!
Both were engaged within a week of each other this past month.
I am so thrilled for both of them,
I cannot wait to hug both their necks!
(and their fiancés as well)
It is such a special time for them,
and I find myself reliving that same giddiness I felt
6 years ago.

Because marriage is work,
and working with your best friend
is pretty awesome.
I am always thankful,
that he chose me, and 
that I said,
(even if it sounded a little unrehearsed and goofy)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Life July Photo Challenge

Alright so this post is a little bit lighter than the last,
but come on it was 3 in the morning when I wrote most of it.

New month, new challenge,
and this one I want all my readers to participate in too.
I am no where near a great photographer,
but I really really like taking photos.
Also, my only camera is my trusty,
multi-functional iPhone4,
and maybe someday that will change,
But for now it takes pictures,
and i need the practice.

So back to the challenge::
most every day
in July
I will take a picture of what I saw that day in my life,
and I promise not every picture will be of my beautiful children.

Here is where you come in, yes you!
You can take and share your photos too (via Instagram) and 
each monday in July I will post some great ones to share!
Just add 
to your instagram pictures 
and we can all see the beauty 
in each other's lives!

Starting Monday, this blog will be mostly photos I am taking and I am nervous and excited!
I can't wait to see your photos too!

photo from our mini trip last week,
it's summertime!

late night frustration/next morning encouragement

I am up late.
Not by choice,
more like demand,
because my toddler 
will NOT sleep.

I have done it all,
laid down with her,
let her lay down with me,
rubbed her feet/legs/back/head,
let her lay on the couch,
And each time i start to leave
or doze off,
she is up, whining and crying.
It's been over two hours since I first heard her
crying out from a bad dream, (I think).

My break?
It was alright,
I was still pretty present on social media,
but it was nice to be more mindful of it.
I am pretty anxious to be back on here at apple red again.

As I type this, I am waiting out the 
wiggly, very sleepy toddler next to me.
(Please give in to your heavy eyelids!)
Guys, I haven't felt like a great mom lately.
I mean, I know I am a good mom,
and I try to be,
but between poison ivy and pink eye,
I have been extra whiny and tired.
I am just going to say it...
I have been way selfish!
(deep breath)

And I know that I need me time,
trust me, I am not trying to be hard on myself,
but truthfully, I have allowed lots of distractions 
to overwhelm me, and steal my focus.
And all of them I am holding on to,
not quite sure how,
and not really wanting to,
let them go.

And when I try to juggle it all myself, 
I usually end up crying to God in the closet,
or crying on the couch at 4:30 in the morning,
not just because I can't juggle,
but because I am idiotic enough to think that I can,
by myself.
every time.

And after 4 hours she fell asleep,
then an hour later the baby got up.
sometimes life is funny.

I know I am not alone in this,
nights like last night,
aren't unique,
some of you have much worse nights.
I am sorry,
because right now I feel for you,
pure exhaustion.

Please, please remember,
that we weren't meant to do life on our own.
Please remind the person
in your mind right now,
who has it rough,
that He wants to do this life with us.

Because even though I am tired,
my healthy 9 month old is babbling 
and crawling around on the floor.
And even though my eye is goopy (yuck!)
it is healing, and won't last forever.
And even though so many things are out of my control,
I am alive, I have today, and I hope to glorify Him with it!

And Jesus spoke these words in Matthew:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
 and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I love you all and its good to be back!


Friday, June 7, 2013

taking a break

I realized I forgot to inform y'all 
I am taking a break from blogging and social media
the month of June.
(I even deleted my Facebook app from my phone! Gasp*)
I will only be instagramming and you can follow me

It's has been a rough couple of weeks 
so I want to spend my free time, 
refreshing and refocusing,
and thinking of new ideas for ARH come July!

We are all well here, please don't worry!
We are just enjoying doing all things summer-y around here!
How are you enjoying your summer so far? 

Come back in July!! I have an idea brewing in my head! 
Speaking of brewing, more coffee please!