Monday, July 29, 2013

Last bit #mylifeinjuly

Alright, so this month's challenge didn't quite go as planned,
but it is really alright by me.
I spent more time being outside,
being with my family,
and enjoying summer.

Last week we packed up 
and headed up to Iowa for 
the big Shivers' Family Reunion.
Fun Hotel (w/ an awesome indoor water park)
Good, good food
antique shopping
lots and lots of Farm fun
My dad absolutely loves taking us 
back to where he grew up.
It was fun seeing family from all over the country,
and Nora girl, and the Cord were completely in their element
on the farm.


my grandparents as teenagers
picture from my cousin, Rachel

Home sweet Home.

I really hope you all enjoyed your July as much as we have!

Monday, July 22, 2013

funny girl

N is really into jokes,
hearing them and telling them.
Her usual jokes involve whatever she sees,
and some weird noise.
For example: 

N: Mama, how do you put a pillow on a chair?
Me: Umm.. I don't know.
N: Blerg-da-donk! 
(then she cracks up at herself)

Today, she was into knock knock jokes.
Our conversation in the car today
went something like this:

N: Mama, now you tell me a knock knock joke.
Me: Okay, Knock knock.
N: Who's there?
Me: Banana.
N: Whose Banana?
Me: No, you are suppose to say "Banana Who?"
N: I think it was Cordie's banana.
C: No, nas minee. Si Yeaow guys!
(translation of Cordese: No, not mine, it's the yellow guy's)

this is my funny girl.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Still Here...

Yes, we are still here,
and here is what we have been doing...

she is so sweet to all things

she loved being at Grandma and Papaw's House

14 hour road trip (one way)
Our girls were so amazing during this trip!
They're the best!

best helpers
she now loves the water!

we sure are enjoying the summer,
i feel like i am starting to melt.

Keep Cool!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

July :: week one

I have had a great first week in July,
Since I wasn't too great at posting my photos 
I am going to post them right now.

 Mom and Dad's house


 Watching Fireworks with Grandma

 red and green with flecks of yellow
...and I am almost certain that is just a stick.

 Grilling burgers

And here are your pictures!
Thanks for sharing your summer with us!

(#mylifeinjuly to your instagram and your photos will be posted next monday)

 Photos via 

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Life in July

First day!!
Happy July everyone!!

My view today, drying in the sun.

This blanket my Grandma made for us
 with all of my Grandfather's old overalls! 
It is my favorite for picnics/baseball games/yard work days.

My view from the weekend