Sunday, August 25, 2013


Cord's first movie Despicable Me 2 // Playing in the rocks // Pip in her happy place (1 year old next month!) // late summertime at the greers // sister love // they completed their summer reading charts and got a scooter // playing at the mall

We're dominating the last bits of summer!
We hope you are too!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Mornings

Today, like every other Monday,
was Wal*Mart run day.
I try to hurry to get there ahead of the crazies,
I think some live there though.
But, seriously, some of the sweetest people 
shop Monday morning with us.
It is always fun to run into a few older couples 
that truly encourage me 
while I tote around my three girls.
I feel like they get it,

"Cherish every moment"

"Three girls so close in age,
they will be the best of friends"

"You are doing a fine job raising them,
they behave so well!"

Then Nora girl always pipes up with the latest Greer news,

"I brought my bunny purse,
with money in it, because I am going to ride the horse!"

"My mom said we could watch Justice League with my Dad today!"

"Have you seen Despicable Me 2? It is so funny,
although the purple guys can be scary,
so be careful"

And the Cord has started chiming in too,

"Despicable Me is my Favorite!"

"I can't find my bear purse"

"Look at my shoes!"

Pip just usually squawks or 
does her bashful smile.

I love these people that find it necessary to remind me each week,
how great my kids are, and what blessings I have in them.

I love that my girls are excited to tell these kind people about themselves.

I love that I get to sit here before lunch,
with a cup of creamy coffee,
watching a thunderstorm roll in,
and tell you about the really great people in the world.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

little letters

Dear August,
Welcome! I am excited for all you have waiting for us!
More warm summer days,
more grilling,
and to finish you off,
a breathtaking mountain wedding.
You're going to be good.

Dear Humidity,
Just stop.

Dear Girls,
Let's just play all day.
I am excited for our "beach" party.
You have been great readers this summer!

Dear Crepe Myrtles,
Thank you for your blooms that greet me every morning.
And thank you for blooming when summer is at its meltiest.

Dear Levi,
We're going on a date this month!
And I look forward to our 13 hour car trip together,
it's some of my favorite time with you.

Dear Self,
You should probably get started on planning your 
preschool lessons.
Always with the procrastination.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your faithfulness and love.
Help me to be more like you.
