Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A few of the Cord

pretty excited about celebrating this little one's life this weekend

After all of her crazy, scary moments, I am pretty glad she's made it three,
and I am floored that I get to be this hilarious, sweet, and brave girl's mama.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


This past spring I read this blog post,
and I find it fascinating, the security and love 
behind these simple gestures between a child and parent.

I saw it last week, while Cordie was at her sickest, 
she kept coming to my bedside throughout the night, 
when I asked what she needed she would whisper, "you."
So I laid on the floor next to her bed, then she asked, "you hold my hand please?"
and I did. 
When I thought she was in a deep sleep,
 I tried to sneak out and head to my warm cozy bed,
but she would jerk awake and whine for me to stay,
and I did, and thank goodness at 27 I can still sleep on the floor.

I see it when Penny climbs a little too high (her little purple stool)
or finds herself stuck,
and she whines and cries till either Levi and I go in, 
as soon as we're within arms length she just throws her body to us and melts into our arms.

I see it when Sonora heads into a new and unknown situation,
like when we went to sign her up for school,
 and as we waited in the office she stood as close to me as she possibly could, 
slightly on top of my toes. 

I am aware of my own times when I am visit with my parents,
how a simple hand squeeze from my mom (remember she has the softest hands),
 or big hug from my dad (his are best)
can relax my nerves and leave me feeling loved.

But it doesn't just end there,
as children of God,
loved by the perfect Father,
His Word can be our touchstone to him,
we retreat to Him in our prayers.
After my melancholy weekend, that reached its peak last night,
I find this morning, while reaching for my touchstone,
 that I remember who I am,
whose I am.

And I am greatly encouraged by how John concludes his first letter: 

"And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, 
so that we may know him who is true; 
and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. 
He is the true God and eternal life. 
 Little children, keep yourselves from idols."
1 John 5:20-21

Happy Tuesday, for real!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

4 / 5 2

+ A portrait of each of my children every week for the year 2014+

Nora : playing in what she calls "Girl World". It's full of princesses, puppies, and ponies.
Cordie : been sick all week, lots of time spent snuggled under blankets and coughing.
Penny : she just runs now, all the time.

Guys, it's been a hard few weeks, and I am feeling rather melancholy. Hopefully I am just blue, I rrrrrrrreeeaallly don't want this sickness to get me too. And on that note, Happy Monday!!! *plop……plop* (dripping with sarcasm…get it?... well it made me smile.)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

3 / 5 2

+ a portrait of my kids every week for the year 2014+

Nora: being a rascal, she is 5 now.

Cordie: swinging in the big red swing.
Penny: wearing daddy's hat.

I hope your weekend was great and refreshing. We had a low key weekend ending in a wonderful Broncos win and premiere of BBC's Sherlock! As far as some of my other resolutions, I have been practicing out of my Pride and Prejudice piano book to work up my skill again for piano, and trying to find good fabric on Etsy for a project I am going to start soon. I am pretty excited about it! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Well, I have a 5 year old,
and so far, I love it!
Not that I expected not to, but 
this is the first age of my girls that has felt big.

This year I offered Nora the choice of a birthday party,
or a family date, and much to my joy and surprise she chose a family date.
So we had a fun day planned, but when Thursday came around,
my best friend wasn't feeling so well,
so we improvised, postponing family date till he felt better.

Her 5th birthday consisted of,
- Chocolate chip muffins made by mama and the Cord
- McDonald's with Playplace time 
- A trip to the mall with just Mama for photo booth pictures
(she wanted a little bit of lipstick for them and I obliged, eek)
- a visit from some great friends
- Facetiming both sets of grandparents,
(we are generously blessed in that department)
- a photo shoot in the leaves.

- Her favorite supper: Mac and Cheese, Chicken, Carrots, and Applesauce
- white chocolate raspberry cheesecake, complete with pony and raspberries

- And more presents

I think for improvising, it was a very fun, special, and full day for our girl.

And here is 5 facts about our 5 year old:

1. She wants to be just a mom when she grows up, 
but she doesn't know what to do with her kids all day.

2. She wants to dance in the Nutcracker,
she doesn't have to be Clara, she just wants to dance.

3. She loves to stick out her tongue in pictures.

4. Her favorite color is pink, purple, red, turquoise, and violet mixed together.

5. She is very thankful for her family.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

the last five years

from this sweet baby...

  to this hilariously kind toddler...

to my beautiful, always-dancing preschooler


to this compassionate, brave, fun-loving, silly, precious little girl,

our last five years have been crazy and wonderfully full
with this happy dear!

I am so excited to celebrate your life
this week!
Happy Birthday Nora girl!

Monday, January 13, 2014

2 / 5 2

+ a portrait of my kids every week for the year 2014+
Nora-Girl :: This past week I took her to school to sign up for Kindergarten, 
                       upon introducing herself to the secretary she said, 
                     "Wait a minute, I know some ballet!" and followed it 
                      with a most graceful pirouette. I am excited to celebrate her 
                      5th birthday this week!!

Cordie :: She wants to do everrrryything by herself. "No, I do it, Mama!" 
                 She loves her toothbrush, top knots, and dancing. 
                 This weekend, after put her in her bed for nap time,
                 she got out and I couldn't find her! After searching and yelling her name
                 I found her in our closet behind her Dad's shirts, resting. This kid can hide!

Pip :: this girl loves to eat and is the most talkative eater.
           Someday, I might have to teach her to not talk with food in her mouth,
          but for now, I am going to let it ride, because I think its just so cute!

Happy Monday! 
Our week is full of celebrating Nora girl,
teaching piano lessons,
hopefully, lots and lots of playing outside.

Friday, January 10, 2014


Right now, I am enjoying the book,
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.
I have been recommended that book by many friends,
(read my inspirational friends blogpost that mentions it),
and even while I was at the library holding it in my hand,
a new friend raved about it to me.
I couldn't wait to read it, and now it is kicking my rear.

After so many days of being ungrateful, coming down hard on myself,
and completely stressed as a mom with 3 under 5 (not for too much longer)
I began reading this poetic story, challenging my heart and mind.

So today, after an exhausting, stressful morning of grocery shopping,
preceded by a night where 4 1/2 hours were devoted to helping my girls sleep
(thank you husband for letting me try to catch up this morning)
I am going to write a list of a few the things I am thankful for today.

enchanting foggy treetops
hugs that make amends
husband -- in his entirety
chocolate cheers with Nora girl
reading Little House on the Prairie with my oldest 
a baby that pats your back during hugs
cup of coffee that warms my hands
my unconditional love for my girls
His unconditional love for me
big puddle splashes
rain boot squeaks
heavy wool blankets
the taste of a perfectly ripe banana
fun mail days
the thankful heart of Cordelia
fresh herbs
brand new turquoise moleskin notebooks
of which to fill with "eucharisteo"
literally translated - give thanks.

I am anxious to learn to live life with thanksgiving to My Savior,
My Creator, My Father.
 I am encouraged by the words of Ann Voskamp:

"I am mother-tired, 
but when my soul doth magnify, 
my time doth magnify."

May you all have weekend 
full of thanksgiving and joy!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Nora Girl and the Cord :: on boogers

No kidding, a conversation I had with these two today.

N: Mom, look at this booger! What's on it?

Me: That's a little bit of blood, 
sometimes when it is really cold and dry,
our nose gets tiny sores in it that bleed a little.

N: Ha! Okay well I almost ate it but then I saw the blood,
so I am glad I didn't eat it.

Me: You eat your boogers?

C: I eat my boogers but 
I don't eat my boogers if there is blood on them,
just my own boogers.

Me: (throws up a little in my mouth) 
That's disgusting.

Someday, girls you will read this and probably say,
"Gross Mom! I can't believe you told everyone we did this!"
Sighs of disgust and eye rolls all over.
But you did say it, and I want to remember it.
You girls crack me up,
and I love you both dearly.

Monday, January 6, 2014

1 / 5 2

Nora girl :: she wishes she had blue eyes, I tell her she's crazy.
Cord :: enjoying the sun (and some oreos) before the "arctic blast".
Pip :: peek a boo is her favorite.

+ a portrait of my kids every week for the year 2014+

First New Years resolution started. I am having so much fun learning my new camera! 
Our first week of the year has started with the sickies, lots of fun new recipes from my new cookbook, (thanks Bracken and Grace!! I wish I could share some of these brownies with you!)
and a cold snap that has us still in our pajamas, snuggling the entire day!

It's frigid out there, and Oklahoma has it good compared to many!!
Stay warm and safe!