Friday, May 30, 2014

just for you

I have given up for a bit on my weekly portraits,
times are a bit crazy and I am scrounging up
my little bits of sanity and using them on my family.

because it's friday,
and I have a bit before my weekend fills up,
I am posting a few favorites to share with you! 
I can't get over the transformation in Pip since January!

 NG :: her signature hair hold.
Cord :: in her own little wonderland
Pip :: her jokes are the funniest

I hope you all have a great weekend! I hope you are refreshed, loved, and comforted!
More on our changes later, and why life has seemed so crazy over here to come!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

mama day

I have two amazing moms in my life,
 I am one to three,
and maybe someday more.

We celebrated over three days which was really nice,
and it was funny to us when our three year old asked us if 
it was still mother's day last night.

We had Chinese and shopped at Target friday,
I picked up another grey tshirt, ha!
We celebrated with Gram and Pops on saturday
with a soccer game and homemade vanilla cupcakes with
chocolate raspberry frosting.
(seriously, buy this cookbook)
And on Sunday, I was showered with pieces of art,
a gift of 50 promises, and cheeseburgers,
(showered with cheeseburgers, ha, I only ate one but while rereading this it made a funny visual for me)
and finished the day with hanging out with some sweet friends.

However among all the sweetness and love,
there were fits thrown and sleepless nights,
which is what being a mom is all about.
I cannot truly appreciate the fullness and joy of motherhood,
without experiencing some sadness and guilt.
I am thankful to be reminded of His grace on a daily basis.
I can't be a mama without God.
I am so thankful that I get have my best friend help me.

I hope all you mothers, aunts, grandmothers, best friends
know that the love you pour into any children is 
truly a gift.
Thank you for giving constantly!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

snapshots: a little behind

So I have fallen a little behind in my portrait resolution,
and just keeping up here on the blog.
I have always told myself that this blog wouldn't get in the way of
being a mom, but would be a nice creative outlet for me in my free time.
And lately my free time has been spent doing other things I love,
playing, reading, sitting outside in the beautiful weather,
going on family dates, napping, and spring cleaning.

We have been well.
We celebrated our favorite guy's birthday early in the month of April,
had a wonderful Easter feast with friends, and spent a week loving on and being 
loved by my brother, sister in law and their new puppy.

1. birthday tradition, I make a cookie cake for him and he decorates it :: 2. their favorite eggs :: 3. I just love her face here in our easter outtakes :: 4. Easter clothes from Grandma :: 
5. Waiting for Bracken, Grace and Mugsy :: 6. quiet afternoon book time :: 
7. Our favorite Engineer and Ballerina before they headed home.

:: :: ::

Follow me on Instagram @edendaygreer, 
for more day to day quips about our life.