Sunday, September 28, 2014

two, or as Penny says, "tee-ewww"

- T W O Y E A R S O L D-

Happy Happy Birthday, Pip!

We love you and all the crazy you add to our family!
And to celebrate you, we had a simple breakfast party at the park,
complete with your favorite fruit, coffee cake, and Nana's cinnamon rolls!
You blew out your own candles, first try,
and smiled proudly while everyone cheered!
You tore into your presents, received the greatest group hug,
and climbed all over the playground.

Penelope Lee, 
you are a bright,
fun, spunky girl.
You're a complete mama's girl,
but incredibly friendly with others.
You keep us laughing with your clumsy tendencies,
like that one time you slid off the couch while reading with Dada.
You're a fast learner,
and its fun to see 
the excitement in your eyes
as you learn something new.
We are proud of you little one.

Sometimes, Pip, you can wear me out,
but while you play hard, and fight hard,
you also love hard.
You are quick to say you are sorry,
and quick to hug and kiss.
You look up to your sisters,
and always want to do what they are doing,
even if it drives them crazy.
Sometimes I call you 
"Persistent Pippy"
And I think that is a great quality to possess.

Penny, your dada and I are so thankful to know you,
and to watch you learn and grow.
We love your laugh, the way you growl like a bear,
and the way you tell us stories and jokes.
You are a beautiful child made by God,
given to us, and we are blessed by your little life every day!
So, happiest of birthdays littlest love! 
Here's to many more!


focused on my cake and not my girl, rookie move, yeesh.

ready for birthday nap time

Monday, September 22, 2014

Autumn On Purpose

Last night was the first night of autumn,
the air was crisp, so I cozied up on the golden couch, 
under blanket, beanie on, and browsed Pinterest for all things
spiced, misty, and homey.
In the midst of all the muted butterscotch palettes, and hearty crockpot stews,
I came upon a picture with a bronze sun flare, a woman dressed in plaid (my favorite!),
and three words, "Autumn on Purpose".
I was curious so I clicked the link and read
a post from a blog I have never visited before about 
living with intention this season,
in hopes that it will carry on throughout other seasons.
I signed up for the email each week,
a joined the "season long challenge to live with intention"
shut the laptop, went to bed and didn't think any more of it.

Early this morning, I woke up, shuffled to the window, unlatched it, 
and took a deep breath in the cool, crisp air,
and smiled.
I set up a movie for my girls to wake up to, and set off to
fix my morning drink of choice, 
Americano with a splash of 2% milk.
I opened my email and my first AOP message was there.
I couldn't read it fast enough,
I pulled my blanket around my shoulder, allowed the 3 year old crawl into my lap,
 and felt the words 
settle into my heart and mind.
Laken, the author of the Peach and Humble blog,
(I feel weird addressing her by name),
challenged all of us subscribers to find our intentions for the autumn,
pointing out that my plans of visiting an orchard, pumpkin patch playing, and cider,
are goals, not intentions.

"Intentions are not goals like "go apple-picking" or "have a bonfire with family" -- although I love those things and love setting seasonal goals.  But rather, season-long intentions are bigger, more sustainable and more focused on the present moment.  I love what Jess Livelysays, "If your intention can be finished or completed, it's not an intention, it's a goal."  Truly, your intentions will probably span longer than this fall, but I believe that setting intentions that accompany each season gives us a chance for re-evaluation and change every few months."

She broke it down into a step by step process for setting these intentions,
and asks us to write them down where they will be seen every day to help us evaluate the things we let into our life, so we can live more purposeful, less busy lives.
So, here I sit working on my own list,
to help focus my intentions this season,
so I don't let the goals and transitions,
get in the way of what is truly important in my life.
My intentions with my family, our home, my ministry, and myself, 
clearly, simply stated to help fix my focus throughout this wonderful season.
I was greatly encouraged, and thought I would pass this along.
To sign up simply fill out the small info form at the bottom of this post,
and let me know, so we can do this together!


Monday, September 8, 2014

funky monday...

But, seriously, am I the only one feeling this? Maybe.
Oh my stars, please stop whining Pip!!
So, this list is for me,
you are welcomed to read it,
maybe make your own,
but I am reminding myself of the many simple and wonderful blessings today.

School has been going rather well, once I lower my expectations for the day, ha!
Last friday we were spending some fun time with some family, and while asking my cousin about school and her replying with a grimace and telling me why she wasn't a fan,
Nora girl piped up and said, "I really love my school."
My heart, this girl knows how to make Mama cry.

My dearest friend, just had her baby boy, and I can't wait to snuggle him!
It is an amazing thing to pray so consistently for a sweet family this week,
and watch God answer with an abundance of love!

Saturday morning we spent with the windows open, listening to light rain,
feeling the chill, drinking cappuccinos, being all sorts of lazy. 

Morning/Evening FaceTime chats with my sister in law who lives in Japan, swapping funny stories about our kids, watching those same kids see each other via the internet, and her encouraging me through this time of transition for our family. She is pretty great!

Today I like sitting outside eating chocolate, watching nature explorers find new things and figure out what they are. All during Pip's nap!

And when your house won't sell, your poison ivy won't go away, and your toddler won't stop hitting, these things are really helpful to remember. 

Thank you Jesus for these kids, my family, and my life, and help me to hand over my burdens, recognize they are out of my control and focus on you, the good in my life You give.

And because today I need a reminder that she isn't always crying/hitting/yelling/whining/pooping/destroying/taking/spitting/throwing.