Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I won't eat any more chocolate...

Resolutions are fun!
Setting goals, working towards them,
and sometimes succeeding,
I get giddy just thinking about them.

that's me giddy, ha, actually it's me laughing at the Cord.
Back to resolutions.
While most of my goals aren't easily measured,
they revolve around being more intentional,
present, and focused on those I love and what I do,
I am pursuing a few measurable ones I think you will enjoy with me!
And the title of this post is merely a thought I had,
and quickly expelled because there is no way,
no way at all,
would I ever be able to not eat chocolate.
(but it caught your attention, right?)


1. Take a portrait of each of the girls,
every week for a year.
Another blog I enjoy perusing is 
and she completed the same challenge in 2013.
My girls are at such an age where change is constant
and fast, I am excited to document these changes,
and all the milestones reached this next year.
Also, my darling husband purchased a new Canon t1i for me, (birthday present!)
and I am looking forward to getting more practice,
using it to complete this goal.

2. practice sewing and piano more.
I have always felt more of a jack of all trades, master of none
kind of girl. This next year, I want to no longer spread myself so thin,
I want to pick skills I truly enjoy doing in my spare time,
and practice, and practice and practice.
Along the way, I will share sewing projects,
(I have one I am particularly excited about)
and songs learned.

3. Run a race with my husband.
We have tossed this idea around many different times,
and I feel like this is the perfect year to follow through!
We have absolutely no specifics yet,
10k, 5k, Half, Road, Trail, Warrior…??
It's going to be fun to decide that together,
 but most of all,
I am looking forward to hanging out with him more!


And this night, next year I hope that I look back at this post,
I can think back on the year with joy and thankfulness.
Then I will lean over and say to Levi,
 "This was so much fun. What are we going to do in 2015?!"

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!

+pictures taken by Nora girl, she manages great captures with her i-don't-care-i-shoot-where-i-sit attitude.

she took this one too from her trike. love my girls!


  1. I think your goal to run a race is a great one! And there's no way I would be able to stop eating chocolate either :) I am drinking hot chocolate right now! Linking over from Elah Tree!

    1. I had to cut myself off of hot chocolate for the rest of this pay period, it was getting ridiculous! I may have rich brownies in the oven now!!
      I haven't run a race since my half after the birthday of my first daughter, so I am nervous for this one, super excited to be able to run with the hubs though! Thanks!

  2. When I first read your title I was giving your props, because I couldn't give up chocolate either. Also, so exciting about your new camera! Can't wait to see all your photos!

    1. Haha, it really entered my mind, but when I thought about the sheer amount on chocolate I ingest on a yearly basis it seemed like I was eliminating a huge part of
