Thursday, November 14, 2013


vintage books in IA

when i was younger,
i didn't like to read,
i never wanted to slow down.
if forced, i would read fast-paced science fiction stories,
but for the most part sitting for a while was really hard for me.

in high school every book i had to read
for english was the worst.
except Tale of Two Cities,
which was the first time i felt like i was in the story,
the details and characters so well described,
that i wanted to be there.
i still loved to be moving
so i rarely read.

it wasn't until i went to college,
and i had to read a lot,
billions of textbooks.
so I would break up textbook time,
with a fun novel,
usually a classic,
a world i could escape to,
for free.

now as a mom,
i cherish the quiet moments,
where i get to 
sink into my chair,
cozied under a blanket,
and read,
for as long as i can.

also, i understand why my mom would read to us each night, 
give us tons of books,
and even more opportunities to read.
I hope to pass this on to my daughters as well.

so on this chilly morn,
 Lonesome Dove in one hand
and a cup of hot tea in the other,
i am thankful for books,
their authors, bookstores,
and amazon.
most of all,
i am thankful for my mother,
even though it took more time for me to realize it,
she passed on to me a love for reading,
and has showed me by her example,
how to pass that love on to my girls.

What are you reading right now?
i am always looking for book recommendations,
so feel free to leave a comment of your favorites!

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